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Spokane Area Small Horse Association (SASHA) By-Laws

Adopted October 2014


Article I Name and Mission Statement

The name of this organization shall be Spokane Area Small Horse Association (SASHA).


The Spokane Area Small Horse Association (SASHA) is a non-profit organization of positive, dedicated people who have come together for the mission of promoting the small equine, 14.2 hands and under, through education, competition, and recreation activities.


Article II Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the Spokane Area Small Horse Association (SASHA) is to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship between SASHA members through participation in existing club events, and in the development of new opportunities. SASHA shall be operated for the sole purpose of the Club in promoting its objectives, and not for monetary gain to any of the members or accretion of physical assets.


SASHA members will strive to reach the following objectives:

  • To promote education about small equine breeds through the gathering and distribution of credible information.

  • To promote an appreciation and understanding of small equine breeds as an ideal family horse, while maintaining the tradition of the breeds.

  • To promote learning, training, sportsmanship, and exhibition of small equine breeds by providing opportunities for members to utilize their horses in various forms of recreation, be it shows, classes, events, or family enjoyment.


Article III Members

Membership in this organization may be for an individual or a family group. The family group may consist of parents, or guardians, and dependent children under the age of eighteen years. Any individual member of such a family group may become an individual member of the organization upon payment of the annual dues.


Article IV Membership and Dues

  1. Initial membership shall be $25.00 per family and $15.00 per individual.

  2. The annual dues shall be $20.00 per family and $10.00 per individual with each adult member over the age of 18 getting a vote.

  3. The annual membership shall start January 1st, and dues are payable at that time, but no later than January 31st. Anyone paying dues after January 31st shall pay at the initial membership rate.

  4. No member shall have a vote at any meeting unless all dues are current.

  5. Membership entitles members to qualify for year end, High Point awards.


Article V Meetings

  1. This organization shall meet at least quarterly. Date, method and place of the meetings to be determined by the Board of Directors.

  2. The Board of Directors shall meet as need dictates, no less then quarterly. Suggested frequency is monthly (January through October). The Board of Directors shall meet in a place and manner to be decided upon by the Board. All Directors must be notified of each meeting, and a quorum must be available for the meeting to be conducted. In matters of urgency, if a quorum is unavailable, the President may make an Executive Decision, to be approved or overturned by the Board at the next regular Board meeting.

  3. The Annual meeting shall be held in the month of October each year. The annual SASHA awards ceremony will be held no later than December 10th.

  4. Special meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors. Members in good standing within the organization may request a special meeting by written request to said Board. Secretary will notify membership of said meeting, stating its purpose, and sent to all members no less than 3 days prior to the special meeting.

  5. All members may have a voice and participate at all general meetings.

  6. All meeting minutes and treasurers reports are available to all members upon request to secretary.



Article VI Officers and Board of Directors – Election and Definitions

  1. There shall be a governing Board of Directors consisting of the President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Show Coordinator and three Directors elected from the membership. The Officers and three Directors shall collectively be known as the Board of Directors or Board.

  2. All officers of the organization shall be elected at the annual meeting in October, taking office November 1 and serve for one year. Elected officers can serve no more than two consecutive terms and are eligible for reelection after taking one year off from that position. No more than one family member shall serve on Board at any time.

  3. Directors shall be elected for a period of three years. The first year, one director shall be elected for a period of three years, one director shall be elected for a period of two years and one director shall be elected for a period of one year. Each succeeding year one director shall be elected for a three-year term.

  4. In the event of a midyear Board member vacancy, the Board will appoint a replacement member to complete the one year term.

  5. A quorum of Directors must be present, or participate, in the meeting in order for votes to be taken. A Quorum is a simple majority.


Article VII Duties of Officers and Directors

  1. The general supervision and direction of affairs of the organization, as well as all administrative duties, shall be vested in the Board of Directors and they shall audit any bills against the organization; may fill any vacancies which may occur among the officers between annual meetings; and carry on all business and other activities of the organization subject to general membership knowledge. To support these tasks, the Board of Directors should be prepared to participate in at least 50% of the club meeting and activities. 

  2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the General Membership and all meetings of the Board of Directors.

  3. The Vice-President shall act for the President in her/his absence.

  4. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the club and meetings of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall report meeting minutes for approval at subsequent meetings. The secretary will notify or manage notifications to members of upcoming shows, events and meetings and will send out an agenda for each meeting. The Secretary shall be single point of contact for all membership.

  5. The Treasurer shall keep a detailed record and have charge and custody of all funds, and pay out same upon orders from the Board of Directors. She/he shall make an annual report upon the financial state of affairs of the organization, and upon all funds coming into her/his possession. The annual report shall be made available to any member upon request. All monies shall be deposited in a bank by the Treasurer, and all checks shall be signed by the Treasurer or the President.

  6. Any major grievance will be submitted in writing to the President or Secretary, who, along with the Board of Directors, will make every attempt to settle same.

  7. The Show Coordinator shall work with a show committee consisting of volunteers (if deemed necessary). Upon input from the Board and consistent with their budget determination, the Show Coordinator shall set the show schedule dates; contract show venues; procure show judges, and order and purchase show ribbons and trophies. Additionally, the Show Coordinator shall be responsible for overseeing each show.


Article VIII Elections

  1. At each annual meeting all Officers and Directors shall be elected.

  2. Prior to each annual meeting the membership shall be asked to volunteer or nominate members for the available offices. A list of eligible nominees will be presented to the membership by the club Secretary. All nominees must be members in good standing for no less than one year, and who have participated, either as a volunteer or a contestant, in SASHA shows, playdays or fundraisers in the current season. The General Membership shall vote on the nominees, with a simple majority deciding the vote.

  3. Only members in good standing and whose dues are paid in accordance with these By-Laws shall be eligible to vote at any election. Eligible voters shall have been paid members, 90 days prior to the annual meeting. Family membership consists of no more than two adult votes. Members under the age of 18 may not vote.


Article IX Amendments

These By-Laws may be altered and amended at any General Membership meeting by a vote of twothirds of the voting membership present at such meeting, provided that the proposed changes to the By-Laws have been submitted to the Board of Directors in writing. The secretary shall include any proposed bylaw amendments in the next general membership meeting agenda.


Article X Proxies and Remote Voting

  1. No proxy votes will be allowed

  2. Voting electronically or by phone is permitted provided the voter has attended the meeting discussion session and votes are received during the meeting where a decision is to be made.


Article XI Salaries

There shall be no salaries for any member or officer of the organization.


  • Judge (providing the judge does not have a horse in that show)

  • Clinician

  • Photographer

  • Venue

  • Vendor


Article XII Indemnity No Officer or Director of this organization may be held personally liable for any actions filed against this organization.


Article XIII Parliamentary Procedure

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of this organization’s meetings when applicable and not inconsistent with these bylaws.


Article XIV Dissolution of Organization

Dissolution of this organization (SASHA) shall proceed after a two thirds majority vote of the General Membership, providing that all members have been notified of the proposed dissolution no less than 30 days prior to the vote to dissolve the organization. Upon dissolution, all of this organization’s assets shall, within 90 days of dissolution, be distributed, or liquidated and distributed, to established, non-profit, equine-related organizations of the Boards choice. Liquidation and distribution of assets shall be carried out by the Board of Directors, with decisions being made with a simple majority vote.


Article XV Removal of Directors or Members

Any Officer, Director or Member may be removed from office and/or have their membership revoked by a two thirds vote of the Board of Directors. The request must be made by a Member in good standing in writing to the President and the Secretary, stating reasons for removal. If removal is necessary, the President or the Secretary shall be responsible for notifying the membership.


Revised 09/25/2014 klf

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